Seed Trays and Propagators for Winter

seed trays winter

Seed trays and propagators seem to peer their lonely heads out of their storage spaces during the colder months when we prepare for winter vegetables and move and plant what we can indoors. Those who can continue gardening outside are fortunate enough to be able to directly plant their seeds of lettuce, spinach, and herbs into the earth and have them grow outdoors.

For those who do not live in the milder regions, indoor or covered gardening may be a viable option. Green houses, cold frames, and cloches may become your best friends during those long, bitter cold months.

Benefits of Seedling Trays:

  1. Seeds and seedlings are protected from harsh outside elements like wind, rain, and heat.
  2. Plants can be started year-round by sowing seeds on the seedling trays. Once ready to move to the garden, you can then further protect them by using a garden cloche for plants.
  3. Seedling trays are lightweight and can easily be moved from one place to another without harming the seedlings.
  4. Seedling trays can be used multiple times after the transplantation of seedlings; a new round of seeds can be sown in the same seedling trays, and the growing process can start over.
  5. Seedling trays keep your little growing seedlings safe from excess sun, rain, and garden pests including snails and slugs.

Seedling trays are portable and convenient

Seed trays provide a portable and convenient way of moving your seedlings around to achieve the right growing conditions. It’s easy to move them from indoors to outdoors or from a dark area to a lighted area, such as a window, to maximize their growth. Propagators are a fantastic way to control the temperature and keep insects and pests away from the fragile seedlings. They can keep your seedlings moist, and most have a watering system to prevent overwatering.

With the rise of indoor growing, whether it’s through grow lights or growing from your window, more people are using seed starter kits to start their gardens. Because it’s convenient and easy to grow indoors, you can literally grow 365 days a year and start and stop whenever you like.

You don’t need to worry so much about planting your seeds on time to maximize your harvest. With something like LED grow lights, you can literally grow herbs and leafy vegetables whenever you please, and not only will they continually grow, but they may grow better than outdoors.

Seed-starting kits are a very economical and simple way of starting your garden, whether it’s small or big. Seeds will always be more affordable than buying plants from Home Depot or your nursery. It doesn’t take much to grow seedlings. The hardest thing will be waiting for those seeds to sprout.