Plant Covers Are Great For Spring Gardening

bell cloche plant cover

Spring is always the best time of year in the garden.

I’ve already planted most of my garden. For me, this is always a time of worry because my young plants are vulnerable and in transition.

It’s a critical time for roots to develop, and simple survival can be the most important thing.

Last weekend, as I was looking at my eggplants, I noticed they were getting blown around pretty well with the wind, and it’s important to protect seedlings from wind.

Melbourne can get some serious wind, and powerful wind isn’t what small, developing plants need. I did notice that my plants covered with my garden cloches were safe and protected.

They seemed so calm inside their protective covering.

A plant cover is truly multi-functional!

When you have a plant covering over your plants, you don’t need to worry about the wind battering your seedlings and smaller plants. It’s really interesting that the natural elements can be so harmful to a garden that’s really meant to be outside. I guess that’s the reason why we have regional foods.

Spring is such an exciting time. There’s much more color, and gardens begin to show signs of life. There’s a lot of satisfaction in starting a garden and watching it thrive. There are lots of tips and tricks to help your garden grow well.

One thing that has helped me get a head start is using a plant cover during the spring. It’s a worry-free organic method of protecting your plants.

We’ve all heard or even experienced the late frost that caught us off guard, or chickens and other animals trampling or eating the barely started garden. Maybe it’s strong winds braking weak stems and hail damaging seedlings.

Or maybe it’s a downpour of rain that beats up your plants. All of these things happen all the time and end up setting us back weeks and months of garden growth.

Plant covers are all you need to avoid all of those problems. Don’t stress about it.

Just cover your plants!